In ‘Patchwork of Dreams 50 years of Community Development in the Parish of Ballinakill, there is a photograph of the men who helped to build the Marian Hall in Tullycross with an extract from the Connacht Tribune from May 1958 about the opening of the Marian Hall. This wonderful ‘do-it-yourself’ attitude has been the inspiration for many of the local community development organisations in our including Connemara West. We are now, thanks to Michael O’Neill, are able to share two full programmes from the Marian Hall from April, May, June 1965 and July, August, September 1965. The variety of the programme is amazing and includes plays such as ‘Pride and Prejudice’, films such as ‘Fancy pants’ with Bob Hope and Lucile Ball and well known bands such as The Blue Notes Showband. The ‘Patchwork of Dreams’ is available from Connemara West reception.