The first Aquinas programme in Tullycross was led by Professor Mona L. Schwind, O.P. and Professor Elizabeth Jennings with fourteen students, eight boys and six girls from the 15 September to the 15 December 1973. From a written description by these Aquinas College Students and Faculty in Ireland titled University Project in Tullycross we learn that “it was the only American college to maintain a study center in Ireland with its own campus, its own faculty and a course of studies largely derived from Ireland’s heritage and present. The resident instructors are directing courses in Irish Literature and History with much reliance on area and local resources. …Service to the host community is the second of the programme aims. Consequently, the students hope to render some assistance to the area by serving as assistants in area schools; helping out in area projects and with area needs”. The piece ends “Impressions after the first week in residence are fully positive: the cottages are rightfully the pride of the community, the country is beautiful, the people friendly and helpful, and the opportunities for a rich and meaningful study-living program unlimited”.
The photo is Sr Mona Schwind serving tea to some of the students and then following are some extracts from the Aquinas College Irish Studies Program – January to May 1975.
Link to full programme –