“The programme of self help which began in Renvyle within the past five years is a model and an inspiration for any community in the West of Ireland…It was the drive, initiative and most of all the real regard for development through community enterprise of Connemara West Ltd which prompted my company  to respond immediately to the development group’s request or assistance in establishing a cottage scheme in Renvyle.  Because it has been allied to the efforts of a group of dedicated and far sighted people, the cottage scheme has more than fulfilled its role as a catalyst of further development” wrote  Brendan O’Regan, Chairman, Shannon Free Airport Development company in his introduction  to the prospectus for Connemara West when the  company were planning the purchase of  St Joseph’s Industrial School in Lettterfrack in 1978  and the building of the Teach Ceoil in 1977.  The prospectus outlined the plans for the uses of the building in Letterfrack and while  they were ambitious no one could have foreseen the actual developments that took place in the following 45 years.